
  • The material bai of the bicycle wheel is aluminum alloy

    The material bai of the bicycle hub is aluminum alloy. When there are stains that are difficult to remove on the surface of the wheel hub, a professional cleaning agent should be used. This cleaning agent can often remove the stain gently and effectively and reduce the damage to the aluminum allo...
    Irakurri gehiago
  • Maintenance method of aluminum alloy wheel

    Maintenance method of aluminum alloy wheel: 1. When the temperature of the wheel hub is high, it should be allowed to cool naturally before cleaning. Never use cold water to clean it. Otherwise, the aluminum alloy wheel hub will be damaged, and even the brake disc will be deformed and the braking...
    Irakurri gehiago
  • Bicycle wheels are mainly divided into two types of wheels.

    Bicycle wheels are mainly divided into two types of wheels. 1. Spoke wheel hub The spoke wheels are mainly made of magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy, and old-fashioned iron rims. The spokes are generally made of cold drawn steel wire or stainless steel. 2. One wheel hub The main materials of the in...
    Irakurri gehiago
  • bizikleta baten ardatza hain elastikoa izan daiteke.

    bizikleta baten ardatza hain elastikoa izan daiteke.

            Gaur egun, bizikleta gurpila merkatuan bilgunean dago gutxi gorabehera bilgune bat banatzen da, eta zentroa hitz egin zuen. hitz egin zuen Bilguneak bereizita desmuntatu daitezke, eta erraz konpondu. Baina behin Deformazio larria gertatzen da, bere osotasunean ordezkatu behar da. nahi duten saiatuko hasiberrientzat batengatik delako ...
    Irakurri gehiago